All India Combined Entrance Test (AICET) 2016

Thursday, 1 May 2014

WLC College Complaints - Cheating

wlc reviews
WLC College India prides itself on the fact that we create professionals. We have established our reputation as the best training and skills institute in India. We try and instill honesty along with professionalism in our students. With our Cutting edge module, students are taught how to develop a positive attitude in life. They are encouraged to dig deep within themselves and get rid of all the negativity.

WLC College India believes that a positive individual can make a kingdom for themselves, wherever they may tread. This is so because, by eliminating pessimistic thoughts, we gain a new outlook. This in turn is necessary to gain confidence and command in your conversations. Unfortunately, there are a few who do not welcome constructive criticism. 

In the recently held semester examination, TWO of WLCI Students at the Bangalore campus were caught cheating. They were in the middle of exchanging chits in the examination hall when the invigilator saw them. They have been issued letters and have been barred from taking further examination.
At WLCI we value our beliefs and stand by it in honor. 

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